New to here and Chameleons


New Member

I am new to here and chameleons.

I am currently building an outdoor enclosure for a panther and some feeders. Plan to be done with that in a week or two. 2x2x4 or 5.

I am hoping to find a juvenile male panther chameleon in a month or two.

I would appreciate any advice on the enclosure and where to get a beautiful panther.
Hello and welcome! You’ve come to the right place :)

Check out the caresheets on this site under the resources tab.

Chameleon Academy (Formerly Chameleon Brepodcast has tons of great info.

Also this video should be a good starting point. Lots more videos here:

Once you’ve done some research feel free to ask questions. It’s a lot easier to answer specific questions then to try and tell someone how to take care of a chameleon in one post since there’s so much that goes into it (as I’m sure you’ve quickrealized haha)
That is a great video! Thanks.

I am looking for information on outside enclosures.

I am in the process of designing mine at the moment.

I want to build and plant it and let it sit for a month before I get a chameleon - so that it has time to season and grow.
Just make sure raccoons and other predators can't get in. Have plenty of shade for hot and sunny days. Water/food/branches/etc(everything that would go into the typical enclosure). Probably don't need to supplement with d3 if outside full time too.
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