New Kammer Baby


New Member
FRED -3 Months- Kammer Photo.jpg

This is Fred, a 3 month old Sambava Boy sired by Vincente. I am using the photo Briana Kammer took of him just before shipping. He is doing great- marches around his cage all day eating dusted, bug burger loaded crickets- when he is not basking. However, he shows no interest in eating from my hand, unlike Mephisto in WI. I am offering small meal worms- the only thing I could find locally. Most places won't ship Dubia roaches to FL ( also, my husband has said NO roaches in this house). I know that too many waxworms are not good- how about butter worms ? Any other suggested Treats would be appreciated.
i hear silk worms are real good. i just ordered them for the first time from i also refuse to bring roaches into my house.
I have thought about silkworms, but has anyone tried Butter worms. The ad says they are high in protein, lower in fat, easy to keep. Sounds too good-lol
Here is a picture I just took- he did not much like the camera.

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