New Cage :)! (Please Critique)

100watts is not only too hot, but it is going to melt right through that reptarium.

I would definitely add a live plant in there and fill it out with more plants/branches.

Do you have a drainage solution outside of paper towels? They probably won't absorb the water of 2 mistings + a dripper a day.

How are you taking temps? Do you have a probe thermometer for your basking light?

Good luck. :)
Hey everyone:) I just *almost* finished putting my cage together for my baby male veiled :D But at the bottom I'm going to put some paper towels to catch the water and stuff. Here's The Pic: Please critique :) The bulb I'm using is a Reptisun 100w heat bulb and a 5.0 linear uvb bulb. Thanks :)

You need a live plant, (I like Pothos), you should not use more then a 60watt bulb, and paper towels will not work. Just leave the bottom empty and allow it to drain into something underneath.
In my eyes a catastrope. Very small, no places to hide, no live plants. The 100 watt bulb will not only destroy your cage, it will probably also cause burings on your chameleons skin.
I agree, a 40-60 watt bulb for the basking site is what you need. I'd say put a large plant in the middle of it. I'd suggest an alternative to the Pothos would be a hibiscus. The flowers are beautiful and veileds love to eat it (at least my baby male does). Fill the cage with foliage and you'll be on the road to a happy baby veiled.

Don't forget a dripper too btw.
yes, hibiscus make a great alternative, and the wet soil from the live plant will help with humidity. The live plant will also give him something solid to hold onto to instead of dangling branches (more secure). :)
In my eyes a catastrope. Very small, no places to hide, no live plants. The 100 watt bulb will not only destroy your cage, it will probably also cause burings on your chameleons skin.
Actually, it's bigger than it looks, and I'm getting a very tiny baby cham, thanks to everyone for their responses :) So will a 40-60 watt bulb and a 5.0 linear uvb light be enough? I'm going to go get plants today, and yes, I have a mister/dripper/sprayer, lol, you just pressurize it and it sprays a good mist for a little bit, again, Thanks Everybody :)
Your off to a start for sure. However, I do suggest several things. A live plant, more vines, a linear uvb 5.0, a 60 watt day blue basking light. A temperatrue probe, humidity control. The 100 watt is far to hot. Good luck and have fun.
Actually, it's bigger than it looks, and I'm getting a very tiny baby cham, thanks to everyone for their responses :) So will a 40-60 watt bulb and a 5.0 linear uvb light be enough? I'm going to go get plants today, and yes, I have a mister/dripper/sprayer, lol, you just pressurize it and it sprays a good mist for a little bit, again, Thanks Everybody :)

yes 60 watt and a linear UVB and u will be set. Hibiscus is a great suggestion for a veiled.
Thanks everyone for their replies :D I just put in a 40 watt bulb, and I'm about to take the basking spots temperature. I have a Fluker's digital thermometer/hygrometer, so yeah, lol, I think I'll put in a hibiscus plant, which I'll get later today (hopefully). My little guy will be here on Tuesday, He's being shipped from LLL tomorrow, so I'm SUPER excited :D lol, I'll take pictures later with the Nikon ;) I took those ones from my phone, but I'll take pictures later when it's *hopefully* finished, and I'll put up some more details. Again, thanks to everyone :D
Thanks everyone for responding, I do have everything I need, for now he's in a 65 gal. reptarium, but in awhile he will be moved into a 24x24x48 screen cage. I'm keeping the vines and branches a little lower than normal, because I don't want him to fall and get hurt :( lol, JSEK (just so everyone knows ;)) I'm not a beginner with reptiles, so I know about everything I need and whatnot, but thanks for everyone's concern. :) I hope to go get the plants later, and pick up a fresh supply of small crickets, to gutload them so I can feed them to my baby when he gets here :) I know he may not want to eat right away, but I can try ;) Thanks everybody :)
No worries, people can come off testy in the forum. However, everyone here really is just trying to help you. Just take the advice we gave in consideration and have fun. Good LucK.
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