New Baby Veiled Chameleon

SoCal Soldier

New Member
Hello everyone, well I finally got myself a chameleon. Before I buy any reptile I did as much research as I could to make sure she has the best life growing up. I'm not new to the reptile word but as to the chameleon side I am new.

I got her online and I could tell she wasn't treated right, now I have here on All the right supplements, basking light, UVB 5.0 18" tube, Repti-fogger, and plenty of climbing with a ficus. The first few weeks where tough as I found out that infrared light was keeping her up(Stupid Petsmart Advice), fixed that quick now she knows her bed time. I think she is between 3-4 months old, just had her first shedding.

So plain and simple I doing the best I could and making sure she grows up healthy, then eventually I will be getting a Nosy Be Panther.

Hope to meet new people, and would nice to find the areas where I could purchase worms around my area. Thanks!
Welcome, SoCal Soldier!

Not local to you, so can't help with worms (or other feeders - they like a bit of variety), but just wanted to say hi ...

I find that my veileds will wander down into their plants to the same sleeping spots every evening, and when they do, I know I might as well turn off the lights.

Given enough protien in the form of bugs, you may find yourself shocked at how quickly these guys pack on grams - my two are growing like weeds!!!

Hey BrucenBruce, Np on the worms I found a place that farms all of the worms I need. Going to make a run today for some Hornworms. Ya same here once mine is in her spot she kinda waits for me to turn the lights off. Ya mine is growing really good and fast she was a bit to skinny when I first had her but after getting her on the proper diet with fatty and calcium bugs that changed everything.
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