Need someone to help


New Member
I would just like to know what sex my cham is i have been told its a female

And the overall state of her if she is healthy or not
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looks like a female, one of the images in the first group, the hind foot kinda folds over so it appears there is a spur... it usually looks like -V-... but i say female.
she appears healthy, and hydrated to me.

what do you feed her? supplements and schedule?
I'd have to say it's a female too, the final photo of the hind legs shows no spur. She looks to be in top health from the looks of her.
Hi how do I get members so I can get help n answers about my jacksons chameleons

Hi Patricia. This is a great forum, I'm sure people will be happy to help you.

Go to the Health Clinic section of the forum, and click on the button that says "New thread". Then post the problem or question you have with your Jacksons. It will help people help you if you copy and paste the questions from the "How to get help" sticky. It's basic questions about how you keep and feed your chameleon.
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