Need advice on new enclosure


New Member
I recently got a veiled cham and i need some adivice on the enclosure. currently im living in Poland so i could only get what was offered and im having some supplies delivered to me from canada in a couple days. I can't upload any pics since i don't have a usb cable for now but i will monday

I have a exo-terra 18" x 18" x 24" glass terrarium i know all you will bash me for using a glass one but it was the only one around. Inside i have a devils ivy plant and a bonsai tree with some branches that the owner of the store gave me. I have a basking lamp with a 75W bulb directed at one corner and the temp in that corner is around 26-30 degrees. the cooler side is around 22-24. I will have a reptisun or repti-glo buld and fixture on tuesday also with a mistking system both are coming from canada on tuesday

my only concern is the humidity before i mist the terrarium its around 70% but then after misting it shoots up to 90% i don't know if thats to good from what i read. i was thinking of putting some sort of fan to help circulate the air better.

I have a exo-terra 18" x 18" x 24" glass terrarium i know all you will bash me for using a glass one but it was the only one around.

Let the bashing begins! :D:D:D:D:D:D just kidding!
Actually, there have been many people (mainly in Europe) that has successfully raised their chameleons in a glass enclosure.
But, do realize that using glass enclosures raise some problems that you need to address. Mainly, air circulation.
Most people who use glass have some kind of ventilation added to at least 2 sides of their enclosure to create air flow.

Inside i have a devils ivy plant and a bonsai tree with some branches that the owner of the store gave me. I have a basking lamp with a 75W bulb directed at one corner and the temp in that corner is around 26-30 degrees. the cooler side is around 22-24. I will have a reptisun or repti-glo buld and fixture on tuesday also with a mistking system both are coming from canada on tuesday

my only concern is the humidity before i mist the terrarium its around 70% but then after misting it shoots up to 90%

What kind of bonsai tree you are using?
don't settle on reptiglo if you can.
Insist on reptisun. They are far more superior product.
You can get away with glass so long as you monitor the interior environment. As stated above, you want to ensure the air doesnt get stagnant. Humidty may be a little high - possibly due to inadequate air flow? My humidity was around 50% this morning, went up to 70% while misting, and its on its way back down to 50%, give or take 2% Things need to dry out in between misting or water dripping.
You can also get away with ReptiGlo if that turns out to be the type of bulb you got. But try for ReptiSun next time. :)
yea monday im going to go buy a fan of some sort since tmr everything is closed and i will be getting the repisun just need to tell my relative to get it for me and i will be getting it tuesday.
Can you set up some kind of small fan to get air moving through there? Also I live in a really humid climate, I've noticed when the humidity gets up over 70% for a while my veiled starts developing some respiratory problems. With the air con in his room it stays around low 50's to 65% humidity which seems to work alot better.
im going to get a fan tomorrow since everything is closed today but for now im keeping one of the glass doors open the one not around any plants and it is working it was about 70 before misting then shot up to 90 but with the door open its around 80 now.
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