
i would leave them alone. my chameleon also has long nails and its sort of unpleasant when im handling him XD i had little marks on my skin where his nails were!
Someone correct me if im wrong but i remember reading somewhere that the nails will not grow back if they are clipped/fall off so i would recomend just leaving them alone anyways
I dont know about clipped but I know 100% that that dont grow back after they fall off.

I would imagine its like any pets nails though if you clip them they grow back,
if you declaw them they dont.

Any who I wouldnt clip the any ways :p
You shouldn't cut their nails. Amy has lost a few of hers and they have never grown back. My first female wore hers down to stumps when she was digging to lay, and they were never the same after, and she had problems holding onto smooth branches, etc. As painful as it can be (especially with the vice like grip of adult males) it's best to leave well alone. I have actually had a male veiled's nail pierce the skin on the palm of my hand! It wasn't Tommy, but he has one hell of a grip too! Makes my eyes water sometimes, lol!:D
i have my huge exotic bird cages set up for my chams
it can be difficult sometimes with feeding i often get escapies even with a cup feeder.
but it doesnt bother their nails one bit.
yea iv thought about getting some type of screening :D
im not exactly sure where to find it at.
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