mycricket females


New Member
i breed my crickets and i have noticed that some of my females have bigger needles on their butts than others.

does tha mean they r about to lay eggs or alredy have? or does it not mean anything?
The needle is the ovipositor, it's the tube the eggs come out of. Longer the ovipositor, the more mature the female and the more eggs they will lay.
wat do the eggs look like cuz iv had eggs hatch but dont kno what they look like.

and how do i know if they have laid eggs without dgging through the dirt cuz iv had some generation not lay eggs
Have you googled raising crickets? I haven't raised crickets, I buy them already to feed, but you can find almost everything on Google. You will probably find some good pictures too.
The eggs look like little white oblong grains of sand. I tied a few times but found it was too much trouble for me (I only have one chameleon-for now).
ok i was just wondering if the needle or positulier (watever its called haha )size makes a diference
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