My veiled is totally avoiding me....


New Member
I have no idea why, but ever since I bought him, rango has been super scared of me. I feed, mist and water him everyday so I'm not a stranger. I've had him for about 3 or 4 months now, and he doesn't seem to want to be more friendly. Mind you he is very healthy and growing everyday it seems like. My question is what do I do to get him to like me?
I find if I sing the song "What Do I Have To Do? by Stabbing Westward it helps.

But seriously, have you tried just leaving his cage door open by an area you hang out in a lot? That was how I got my anti-social Veiled to warm up to me. Sometimes you have to let them come to you. I also hand fed him superworms
This is pretty normal chameleon behavior. I feel that the people with "friendly" chameleons are an exception to the rule.

Chams don't have many natural defenses so being scared and avoiding/running away are their defense system from big scary things.

That said, trying to feed them from your hand can help them acclimate to you and associate you with positive things. LOTS of time and patience is what it takes and he still may never be fully comfortable with you.
I find if I sing the song "What Do I Have To Do? by Stabbing Westward it helps.

But seriously, have you tried just leaving his cage door open by an area you hang out in a lot? That was how I got my anti-social Veiled to warm up to me. Sometimes you have to let them come to you. I also hand fed him superworms
Yea I always leave it open in the room I'm in most. But doesn't seem to have any affect. Also, I have tried hand feeding him but he has no interest when my hand is in his space.
This is pretty normal chameleon behavior. I feel that the people with "friendly" chameleons are an exception to the rule.

Chams don't have many natural defenses so being scared and avoiding/running away are their defense system from big scary things.

That said, trying to feed them from your hand can help them acclimate to you and associate you with positive things. LOTS of time and patience is what it takes and he still may never be fully comfortable with you.
Well I'm glad to know I'm not an exception haha
My experience as a 2 veiled owner - Leave him be, the door open if it's safe, and hand feed often. Once he is good and settled in and reaches a year or so his hormones will drive him to explore his world more. That's when you'll be there with your hand out, present yourself in a way that he can climb up. The "up" part is key, chams always want to go up. Other big part is to let them decide when they want to come out and when they have had enough. Be patient and you'll get there.
I don't think chameleons are ever truly friends. They get used to us and associate us with food and eventually tolerate us. Veildes tolerate us even less.

Do you hand feed? I used to have veildes and if my male could speak he would have said, "I hate you! I hate you! I really hate you! Oh! You have food!,"
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