My Setup

Ok right now this is my setup until i either buy a all screen cage and or make one, let me know what you think

Looks decent, Like said before in other posts the aquarium could pose many problems, and a screen cage would be better. The other thing you should get is some live plants. Make sure you get Cham safe plants. There is a list on this forum of safe plants.

if you use live plants wash the leaves very well. Some places that you buy plants from spray them with pesticides and since they drink from the leaves this will kill them.
Yeah, it all looks great but you will have to do something about the aquarium soon. Its not just the ventilation you know. You said you're cham. was stressed right? Well that is why. He can see his own reflection in the glass and they get stressed from that.
RESGuy said:
Yeah, it all looks great but you will have to do something about the aquarium soon. Its not just the ventilation you know. You said you're cham. was stressed right? Well that is why. He can see his own reflection in the glass and they get stressed from that.

?? hes not stressed i dont think..the only time he has been turning dark is when i hold him which is very little cuz im easing him into that, but when in the cage, hes like a good green and just chills, atleast dosnt seem stressed...but thinking i can take the dimmensions of the aquarium to hom depot and they can cut to that size and ill put the screen on and a plastic bottom plate that is removable for a floor...ive been looking at others setups
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