My new rudis chameleon


New Member
Me and my roommate bought this awesome male rudis chameleon yesterday.


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Do I spy a perfume bottle? Try not to spray that around the chameleon!

Get some real plants, helps with humidity and looks nice.

Where is your UVB light?
I am not sure about that powersun UV bulb, everyone on here uses a house bulb for heat around 60 to 75 w depending on type of cham and then a 5.0 reptisun tube florescent, two lights.
You can find a cheap florescent fixture at lowes or home depot for like 12 bucks. No compact bulbs, it causes eye damage. And I hope you already know to dust the feeders with calcium w/o D3 almost everyday and calcium with D3 a few times a month and a multi vitamin supplement dusting a few times a month also. Also, at least misting 3 times a day, and a dripper will be needed, you can either buy one from the pet store or get a cup and poke a hole in it, ya know...
Yeah you want to ditch the Coil bulb as soon as possible. Infamous for causing eye issues in captive reptiles. You want to buy a tube style fixture with a 5.0 UV Tube.
Well originally we started with a coil bulb, but we got rid of that today for this powersun bulb (non-coiled) and I know all the other necessary details to raise these guys, just not the nitty-gritty. I didnt buy one of those drip systems at the pet store cause all the reviews I read on them were terrible, but I am having difficulty making my own because the water wont drip down from the top, instead it the water sticks together and forms a giant cohesive bubble at the top.
I actually was considering buying a misting system, but I could figure out how I would get the mist nozzle through the cage without cutting holes in the mesh or leaving the door open and I wasnt sure if how far the mist sprays and if it could reach my desk (which has a computer on it).
I think we all get it, it's spelled wrong either way.

If you are gonna keep the light on, try to keep it at a mininum and fill his cage up with a spot where he can escape the light.

Light will totally mess up his sleeping schedule, along with loud music. They can't hear but they can feel vibrations.

Punching holes in the cage is fine, we all do it for our dripper hoses, mister nozzles, and zip ties to hold branches. You can close the holes back up with some hot glue later.

If you need cage setup ideas, I can post some pictures of setups.
If you need cage setup ideas, I can post some pictures of setups.

I would love to see them, have been reading for weeks now
and have come to the conclusion the most usefull and best
for the animal would be custom made (by myself).

I was surprised not to see a sticky at the top of this area
of this forum, edited to just show enclosure with little
clutter in text.

Russ Jerome
I would love to see them, have been reading for weeks now
and have come to the conclusion the most usefull and best
for the animal would be custom made (by myself).

I was surprised not to see a sticky at the top of this area
of this forum, edited to just show enclosure with little
clutter in text.

Russ Jerome

I can't make my own custom cages. I mean setups with how plants are layed out and branches.

Just follow my signature, I link my chameleon's adult cage in there.
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