New Member
Hello everyone, I just joined this website today but I've previously clicked on this website before to learn more about chameleons. I am making a post right now because my male-veiled chameleon started to randomly shoot his tongue out aiming it at one of his branches. An hour ago I saw him fully shoot his tongue out at a branch and I was very confused since there isn't any bugs on it and ever since I've owned him (I've had him for a year ad a half) I have never seen him fully shoot out his tongue. When he does aim for an insect he doesn't even shoot his tongue out halfway. When I saw him fully shoot out his tongue it sort of looked like he was throwing up. Before he shot his tongue out he wasn't looking at the object he wanted to aim for. I think he might either be suffering from maybe some sort of bacteria or even some type of cleaning product that accidentally went into his cage or maybe he has a piece of super worm stuck in the back of his throat and he can't get it out, therefore, making him fully shoot out his tongue. I turned off both his bulbs because maybe the heat is getting to him and to see if maybe this would stop. Someone, please help my baby I don't want him to die. I also have a video of him doing it but i have no clue how to post the video with this post so ill post it seperately. Also he just started foaming from his mouth.