My Jackson wont eat meal worms, she's hooked on crickets. What should I do?


New Member
I tried starving her. I did that for two days and then I gave in. Should I do that again until she eats one? Or what else?
Meal worms aren't a preferred feeder anyway, so I wouldn't worry about it. Properly gutloaded crickets can be a major part of their diet but I'd suggest ordering some more feeder variety such as silkworms, dubia roaches, blue bottle flies, hornworms...the list goes on! More variety not only balances out their diet but also keeps them interested.
yea i wouldnt worry about mealworms there a bit hard on the stomach.i only feed them now and again.hooked on crickets is not so bad mine wont look at them any more
my baby veiled also wouln't eat mealworms, he was quite terrified of them :eek: So I ordered some calci worms, small ones and he will eat those, not loads but one or two now and again :) x
lol if anything you should be glad, gutload the cricket and you will be fine, otherwise try flies and waxworms
I'm having this same problem as of now! Pascal is hooked on crickets! I've ordered him silkies (he ate 3 out of 50 ordered), phoenix worms (ate like 5), small supers (liked them for two weeks and then said "nope!"), butter worms (just stared at them), and just yesterday I offered him dubias. I kind of had to trick him into eating them by giving him a cric, then snuck in a dubia, then cric, ect. I pray he will just get over this and start eating variety! I offered all the bugs (besides dubias) for weeks!!! Ahhh! Frustrating. He will gladly take wax worms (which are basically junk food so he only gets those twice a week). Sorry to poach your post but I'm eager for advice as well!
Hooked on crickets! Ha! You got it good, seems like people have problems getting what you got going on. At least he is interested in something relatively decent. Most other things can be treats or just fed in addition to crickets. I think the fun part is finding other feeders in addition to the main cricket diet. Get a good gut load together for the crickets and start trying others and your well on your way!
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