My girl just laid eggs


New Member
Hey could anyone help me find out why my veiled chameleon is sorta sleepy durring the day? she never fell asleep anytime durring the day she always was up when her light came on and sleeping when her light goes out. 2 days ago she laid her first cluch of 30 and sorta still counting. iv noticed after she had her cluch durring the day i found her resting with her eyes closed but not really sleeping. just exhausted i think? could this be temporary thing after they lay their eggs? has this happened to anyone else?
What do you mean "sorta still counting" is she still dropping eggs? Because if so she could be egg bound and would need to go to the vet right away.
Did you give her plenty of water after she finished? They are very exhausted and they need to be hydrated well after they lay eggs. Mine usually won't eat for abouta day or two later, rehydration is important. Did you have her in an egg-laying bin, or was she just dropping eggs in the cage?
She should have been hungry and thirsty after laying the eggs and may have been tired for a while but by the next day should have been back to normal.

Did she lay the eggs in a hole and then fill the hole in and tamp the substrate down and return to her branches?
What do you mean "sorta still counting" is she still dropping eggs? Because if so she could be egg bound and would need to go to the vet right away.

she had laid 28 then she was on her branch this morning and "had to poop" but an egg came out with some jelly white normal pooping look..then tonight she did the same thing had to go to the bathroom and dropped another egg..she had 30 eggs in total she looks better then before she had the eggs i cant see anymore eggs just above her leg i knew last night she was going to have another one becuase i could see it. but now i cant see anything more..i dont believe shes egg bound
Did you give her plenty of water after she finished? They are very exhausted and they need to be hydrated well after they lay eggs. Mine usually won't eat for abouta day or two later, rehydration is important. Did you have her in an egg-laying bin, or was she just dropping eggs in the cage?

well she has a water fall that is always going durring the day iv seen her drink from it a couple times today and yesterday.. more then usual too so i know she was very dehydrated but i think she knows where to go for her water if she needs it. i always have new water in it for her too..she hasnt ate yet either and its been 2 days since she laid her eggs so i hope she eats tomorrow forsure. i did have a egg laying bin in her cage for her too she did her thing and packed them in. i still have it in her cage the eggs are non fertile so i did remove them already but i left the bin in her cage..sometimes she goes down where they were dropped and checks it you think i should maybe take that out while im on this topic too? or leave it in there for a bit
she had laid 28 then she was on her branch this morning and "had to poop" but an egg came out with some jelly while normal pooping look..then tonight she did the same thing had to go to the bathroom and dropped another egg..she had 30 eggs in total she looks better then before she had the eggs i cant see anymore eggs just above her leg i knew last night she was going to have another one becuase i could see it. but now i cant see anything more..i dont believe shes egg bound

I lost a female that way, she had one egg that she couldn't pass and I couldn't see it. She started sleeping a lot and her eyes got very sunken in, it looked like she was getting better than she went down hill again. You may want to get her x-ray to make sure they are all out. I wish you the very best
She should have been hungry and thirsty after laying the eggs and may have been tired for a while but by the next day should have been back to normal.

Did she lay the eggs in a hole and then fill the hole in and tamp the substrate down and return to her branches?

she had them in desert sand with with some other soil to keep it tamp. she dug her hole laid 30 eggs and packed it shut. she hasnt ate in 2 days since she laid her eggs but she has drank lots of water. she is back on her branches but she likes to stay somewhat near the bin where her eggs were (i took them out) but i left the bin in their. she sometimes goes down where she had them to check it out but goes back to where she was and sorta rests her eyes. but like i said she never used to be tired durring the day.
I lost a female that way, she had one egg that she couldn't pass and I couldn't see it. She started sleeping a lot and her eyes got very sunken in, it looked like she was getting better than she went down hill again. You may want to get her x-ray to make sure they are all out. I wish you the very best

i was thinking about getting one done to her just so i have it becuase but it might be just a good thing to do it..ill have to check it out. thanks
Just as an aside, you need to remove that waterfall. It breeds bacteria and will make her sick no matter how well you clean it. It is better to get a sprayer and spray her plants 2-3 times a day for her water. I don't think you will find support for the use of waterfalls on the forum.
When a female lays her eggs, etc. in a normal fashion and then continues to drop eggs after that, not drink or eat and acts lethargically its usually an indication that something is not right....and if she survives, the next clutch may give her more trouble....sad to say.

Can you post your husbandry here please (fill in the questions in the "how to ask for help" thread in the health section of the forum.
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