New Member
Hi, 3 weeks ago I bought my first chameleon, it was a 12 weeks old veiled chameleon, he seemed very healthy and happy, he wasn't scared of us and he loved sitting on our heads, unfortunately after 5 days he died, we have no idea why. He was eating fine. The only weird thing we noticed was that he was drinking a lot, all the time. He was even licking all metal things ( buttons and stuff) thinking it was water but we didn't think anything of it. The morning he died he seemed fine, I gave him some water and let him sit on my head for a few minutes, an hour later he was lying on his sand, dying. We rang the pet shop we bought him from and spoke to their reptile expert but he gave us no hope. Few minutes later he died. We cleaned his viv properly, bought a new, better uv light ( 10% ) and Putted extra vents and decided to try again. We went to the same pet shop and bought his brother he's a lovely little boy called Hugo. But there are some things that really worry me, or maybe I'm just being paranoid? Since we bought him we dusted his food oNce, 4 days ago, with calcium +d3 and after that I noticed some white stuff around his nose. He also falls asleep when he's out of his viv, and apparently that's not a good sign. Last time he fell asleep on my glasses and slept there for like an hour? He also does that weird thing, it looks like he's stretching his chin with his tongue? And then opens his mouth really wide... I'm really worried because of what happened to the other chameleon, he broke my heart when he died and I don't want anything bad to happen to my Hugo. Ill add some photos of Hugo where you can see his nose and him sleeping on my glasses :d