My chameleon STILL won't come near me :(.


New Member
I've had Jose for a week and whenever I put my hand in his cage to give him more food he will run away from me, still. I've hand fed him 1 time but he was in a good mood that day. Anyone know whatsup?
I've had Jose for a week and whenever I put my hand in his cage to give him more food he will run away from me, still. I've hand fed him 1 time but he was in a good mood that day. Anyone know whatsup?

Chameleons generally do not like to be held. Some are more tolerant of others, though. If you would like to try and make yours more tolerant of you, try to use gentle movements, try handfeeding, try to cupfeed, and try handling him every so often. Do keep in mind that even with all of this it is possible he won't ever open up to you.
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When you take him out. Be patient & persistent. Simone acts like I am the evil giant at times. She likes it when I stroke her chin, as I gently stroke her "fringe" back she will stretch her neck out. As she stretches I push a finger against her chest & she will step up. Of course some times she will have none of that. She can be as stubborn as me! :cool:
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Aye, i'm having the same problem, is it ok to hold him if he puffs up while you're doing it, or is that a sign you should put him down?
I also have a Veiled

I've had Jose for a week and whenever I put my hand in his cage to give him more food he will run away from me, still. I've hand fed him 1 time but he was in a good mood that day. Anyone know whatsup?

Depends where your chameleon came from. Is it wild or captive bred? Mine is from the wild and still does not like me to disturb it in his cage. Its been mine for a good month now. He looks the same size as yours maybe a little bigger.
haha, so it still ok to hold him? (just makin sure, I have the first owner anxiety)

it's okay to hold him :p don't have to wear gloves, i was just being an ass. in fact, you shouldn't - your cham will get used to being on the gloves, and will be afraid of your actual hands. if your cham puffs up, it is a sign of defense, trying to look like the bigger guy. if your chameleon is that afraid of you, while on your hand, give them their favorite food item through cup or hand. if they take it, they'll warm up to you. but still, if you can't get your cham to relax, put it down for the day and try again the next
Yeah, does it matter what kind?

From what i hear Veileds seems to be a lil more aggressive than the more dosile Panthers.

I got my Cham a little over a month now . He wanted nothing to do with me when i first got him. Now he scratches at the cage door to be taken out.

When i first started asking for help with it someone mentioned that they become cage defensive. You want to take them out of their comfort zone.

I used a wooden hanger to get him to walk onto and then took him out the cage( if he won't go onto it willingly, make the object you will be taking him out on a "bridge". Something that he has to walk onto to get from one point to another in the cage). Once he was out he became a lighter "more calm" green and yellow color. In the cage he was dark and puffed up.

I would use the hanger to take him out for a short time each day. (a few days he was not having it , and i let him be). After about a week or so he began to understand that i was not here to harm him.

I also skipped feedings and cup fed him while he was out ( so he also associated me with a food source)..

From what i hear Veileds seems to be a lil more aggressive than the more dosile Panthers.

I got my Cham a little over a month now . He wanted nothing to do with me when i first got him. Now he scratches at the cage door to be taken out.

When i first started asking for help with it someone mentioned that they become cage defensive. You want to take them out of their comfort zone.

I used a wooden hanger to get him to walk onto and then took him out the cage( if he won't go onto it willingly, make the object you will be taking him out on a "bridge". Something that he has to walk onto to get from one point to another in the cage). Once he was out he became a lighter "more calm" green and yellow color. In the cage he was dark and puffed up.

I would use the hanger to take him out for a short time each day. (a few days he was not having it , and i let him be). After about a week or so he began to understand that i was not here to harm him.

I also skipped feedings and cup fed him while he was out ( so he also associated me with a food source)..


what kind of cham do you have and how old? I just started hand feeding and handling my cham hes about 4 months had him for about a month now. I use a stick to get him out and use it as a bridge to get him to climb onto it also.

Hes a little shy but I think if I keep taking him out and handfeeding he will get used to me. Whenever hes in my hand or outside the cage hes his normal color doesn't seem mad at all
what kind of cham do you have and how old? I just started hand feeding and handling my cham hes about 4 months had him for about a month now. I use a stick to get him out and use it as a bridge to get him to climb onto it also.

Hes a little shy but I think if I keep taking him out and handfeeding he will get used to me. Whenever hes in my hand or outside the cage hes his normal color doesn't seem mad at all

8-9 month old Veiled.
Make peace with the idea that you might not ever be able to handle your chameleon on a regular basis. It's just not in all chameleons to be your buddy.
I have had my veiled boy for about 5 or 6 weeks now, and he just now got used to me holding him. He recognizes me as his feeder, and with a little bit of hand feeding--a superworm here or there, not even religious about it-- he does not freak out any more when I go to take him out. He does not come out for my boyfriend, since he is not used to him around his cage very often. Give it time, let your cham get used to you. Enjoy his company.
imo think of your cham as a living painting; something to be admired and maintained but not messed with all that much.
Ive had my cham (panther) for about 5 months now and he still hates me, just get use to it ;)
He tries to bite me on most days
Why are people saying its okay to hold your cham if its showing obvious signs of stress ?

If it is freaking out, its only going to further stress out your cham which is something you do not want to do.
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