My cham hates worms

Anything in worm form including mealworms millipedes superworms.. Is this normal? He loves crickets beetles roaches and pillbugs.

I caught him wild myself and is very "settled" to enclosure life. Maybe it just doesn't look natural to him?

thank you
They don't really need them especially if he's eating a variety of other feeders. If you can find some I suggest trying hornworms mine all love them.
That's nuts. All my chameleons love both superworms and hornworms. I didn't know there were any in existence that didn't like them! :eek:
He shouldn't like millipedes, they excrete a foul tasting and smelling toxin... I guess would be the word. So I wouldn't feed them to him. Some hardshelled worms aren't liked by some Chameleons, my cham doesn't like hard-shelled worms but he loves silkworms and hornworms.
Anything in worm form including mealworms millipedes superworms.. Is this normal? He loves crickets beetles roaches and pillbugs.

I caught him wild myself and is very "settled" to enclosure life. Maybe it just doesn't look natural to him?

thank you
Damn, I wish I had your problem haha. My panther is a worm addict, especially with super worms. I'm currently working towards weening him off.
Try hanging the hornworm, silkworm, or superworm on the screen lower than the chameleon, so it climbs up toward the chameleon. Another trick is to use a feeding cup and place them on the climbing surface.

One thing I have found on mature chameleons, offering food every day will create a more picky eater. I skip days intentionally and offer a variety of feeders, and refusal rate is low.


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