Mouth open

My 6 month veiled keeps sitting in the basking spot with his mouth open but it is only around 80 degrees. Why is he doing this?
Listen to see if you hear any crackling, or wheezing noises. This could be a sign of respiratory infection. They do open their mouths when they are too hot but your temps don't seem too high to me if you are talking about basking in fact they are a little low. Now if you ar talking about ambient that could be a little high. Where are you taking the reading from?
Listen to see if you hear any crackling, or wheezing noises. This could be a sign of respiratory infection. They do open their mouths when they are too hot but your temps don't seem too high to me if you are talking about basking in fact they are a little low. Now if you ar talking about ambient that could be a little high. Where are you taking the reading from?

It is the basking spot that is around 80. He usually sits there. I don't hear any noise but I will listen more carefully. He started a few days ago.he never did this before
My Panther has been doing that. I think maybe he's thirsty. I don't see him drink. But he seems fine. I mist heavily.
Yah 80 degrees is a little low if anything should be around 85-90 degrees. So I don't think he is overheated. I hope this doesn't come off stupid, but he isn't just reacting to you being close to him is he? Could you possibly post a pic? It could just be part of his normal behavior my female Jackson's will do this every once in a great while, and I know my temps are right. But if he does it all the time there could definitely be something off. It's possible you may never see him drink if he doesn't want you too, but if his urates are white his hydration is fine.
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Yah 80 degrees is a little low if anything should be around 85-90 degrees. So I don't think he is overheated. I hope this doesn't come off stupid, but he isn't just reacting to you being close to him is he? Could you possibly post a pic? It could just be part of his normal behavior my female Jackson's will do this every once in a great while, and I know my temps are right. But if he does it all the time there could definitely be something off. It's possible you may never see him drink if he doesn't want you too, but if his urates are white his hydration is fine.

I usually see him doing it from afar but when I closer to check it out, he closes his mouth. I will take a picture when he does it again but he is not doing it currently


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If your temps are truly what you say thin I would say he is fine just something he does sometimes when basking.
On second thought he is awful close to that heat source might want to fix it where he can't get that close he just might burn his casque. For some reason they sometimes (even though you would think they were smart enough to know better) get too close to their heat source even when it's not healthy to do so that's why we have to remedy that for them.:)

Of Course this is all assuming the light is just above the screen. He just looks hot to me.
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Hi, how are you measuring the basking spot temp? What wattage is the basking bulb and what is the rooms ambient temp?
On second thought he is awful close to that heat source might want to fix it where he can't get that close he just might burn his casque. For some reason they sometimes (even though you would think they were smart enough to know better) get too close to their heat source even when it's not healthy to do so that's why we have to remedy that for them.:)

Of Course this is all assuming the light is just above the screen. He just looks hot to me.

I have been looking for something to stand the lamp on but the lamp stands that I found were $25 and that is too expensive for a lamp stand but I may get one off the internet cheaper
The room is 68. I use a digital thermometer and 75 watt bulb

You might look into getting a infrared temp gun it is more precise, and you can pinpoint exactly where you want to measure the temps. I can even get a temp of their body with this thing. I got one off of Ebay for only $15.


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