More Veiled Eggs!

Dyesub Dave

New Member
Hey everybody,

I've been trying to breed my other female with my 5 yr. old male as he seems to be slowing down a bit so I wanted to make sure I had some offspring from him before something happened.

She started digging a couple of days ago and has just finished covering up the hole. I don't know how many eggs there are yet as I'm going to let her recover for a bit before I go on the egg hunt. So close to Easter too!! LOL

Contrary to popular belief the container didn't seem to need to be very large. I just had one of those large round margarine tubs ... kinna like the size of the ice cream ones ... maybe about 6" wide and 7 or 8" tall filled with sand. I had a fake plant and stick coming out of the top. I was going to move her to a larger pail if necessary but this seems to have sufficed.

I will post again soon with results on the eggs and maybe a few photos. Now just to find a place to put them?? My other eggs from the beginning of October haven't hatched yet so I'll need to find another container!!

Dyesub Dave. :D
OK ... So I did the count and there was a WHOPPING 59 eggs!! However 2 of them were caved in a bit. And they seemed really small but that may be just from checking the others that I've had since October.

I put them all in plastic containers with the appropriate substrate and poked some holes in the top with a pin. I placed the 2 caved in eggs a good distance from the others in case they start to fungus.

I'll post some pics at a later time. Any other suggestions??

Thanks ... Dyesub Dave. :D
I don't think I'll be shipping the babies however I am going to try to sell them. Of course I'll have to wait until they hatch and then make sure that they are eating well and are healthy for a few months before they will even be up for sale.

Dyesub Dave. :D
Good for you. Wow. I thought my veiled out did herself with 53 eggs. Did you give her a nice long back rub afterwards. Ok maybe a big silkworm. lol

Well I would give her a back rub if she'd let me!!! LOL

Yup ... she got a silkworm and some crickets and watered a couple times within a few hours. I'm always worried about the female after she does all that work. At least she did it in 2 days not like the other female who took 7 DAYS and FREAKED me out !!

Does anybody know if there's any correlation between egg size and fertilization? I'm just wondering if these eggs seem small because she was carrying so many or if they might not be fertilized or if I'm just used to looking at 5 month old eggs!

Thanks ... Dyesub Dave. :D
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