

Established Member
How many of you use tap water for your mistking? I work in public water supply and know we have high calcium levels here in So Cal and am wondering if it does create problems with the nozzles.
ya i cant use tapwater it will clog the nozzels in under 3 weeks i use r/o water and have no prblms,
ya i cant use tapwater it will clog the nozzels in under 3 weeks i use r/o water and have no prblms,

My tap water is fine to use! hasnt blocked the nozzles yet and its been 8 months so far! I live in the country in the UK though! I have heard that RO water can be as bad as treated because everything has been striped out of it!
lucky for you!!! i have not heard that about r/o water do you have a source for that info.
I am going to use a Brita filter to fill my resiviour, less than £3 a month (my TDS before filter is 450, and after is less than 50) :D
as far as i know brita doesnet remove much from the water just enought for them to make a caim that the water is clean, but i have no info on this or proof so who knows
as far as i know brita doesnet remove much from the water just enought for them to make a caim that the water is clean, but i have no info on this or proof so who knows

well if it stops build up of calcium deposits in my kettle, then it will do the same to a misting nozzle!
i use tap water all the time no problems i have had a miss king for a year now still no issues.:D
The idea that RO or distilled water is unhealthy for living organisms is a myth. Also, sediment can, fairly quickly, clog nozzles. If your nozzles are clogging quickly then an inexpensive sediment filter will help. If you have high Total Dissolved Solids (different from sediment) in your water, then your nozzles will clog (more slowly) from "scale" build up. You can remove a nozzle and soak it in vinegar overnight to remove scale. Tap water is variable from different regions and municipalities in mineral content, pH, and chemical additives. At the very least, a combination sediment and activated charcoal filter will insure that your water is free from sediment, chlorine, and most vocs.
Exactly what I am thinking. I was just wondering if people are actually having trouble with this problem.
I'm lucky the tap water in my town isn't to bad. I've been running mine for like 5 months with no problems. I do plan on getting a filter soon (If I ever remeber) since I am keeping Dart frogs now as well.
I use RO because I had a system from my saltwater days. My personal feeling is that RO or distilled is best for chameleon health. My reasoning is that RO and distilled best approximate rainwater - particularly in pH. Chameleons don't just hydrate with water, they also wash/rinse their eyes and sinus passages. If rainwater is about 5.5 pH and someone's tap is 8.5 pH that is a HUGE difference at the scale of the chameleon. And it is alkaline vs. acid which can definitely crash fish tanks and amphibians over time. Ever had red irritated eyes after swimming all day? This is much more often the result of pH than chlorine...
If your tap water is pH 7.0 or lower and relatively chemical free then you are probably fine. But I bet at least some of the shedding, eye problems, and respiratory infections are in part the result of slightly alkaline vs. slightly acidic water (and/or insufficient "rain" time). My montane species are practically amphibians in terms of water needs and I don't think it is just about hydration. Maybe this is all irrelevant for veileds and panthers ....but they are obligate rain water users also...
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