mistking mist nozzle


New Member
my mistking misting nozzle contuniously gets clogged and i have been having trouble with it. has anyone had a better track history with one of the replacment mistking nozzles or is there a replacement that works with this setup that i would be able to use that can be easily taken apart and cleaned?
what kind of water are you using to in your mister? ive read on a few posts that regular tap water can contain lots of different mineral deposits that can clog up the mist heads over time. Maybe you should switch over to pre-filtered or distilled water and see if that helps or buy a new nozzle and see if they take back your original.
Thats the problem with these type of nozzles.they clog up easily if not used with distilled water. Regular nozzles from lowes or homedepot tolerate tap water alot better, they are designed to
But my Exotic vet says he use to raise Veiled Chams and distilled water isn't good for them? At first when I brought Ozzie home I had been using distilled water and my vet advised me to use tap water, he said our tap water is the best in the country and he said why distilled wasn't safe for Chams but I forget why? Now I am super confused but thats not hard for me to do:rolleyes:
i have problems with the minerals in my water ( clogs nozzles ) so i switched to R/O and they are all working great. i get 5 gallon bottles from local watermaker store for $3 a fill i go through 5 gallons or soa week misting 6 cages. works for me

What do you guys use to hold your water? I want to fit whatever I get under my cabinet that Ozzies habitat is sitting on and lowes and Home depot buckets are too tall?
if you are trying to fit your container into a specific spot i would just goto the hardware stoe and look in the reubbermaid section for something that fits, you may be able to hold more water in a rectangle container over a bucket. just an idea

Any local saltwater aquarium store should have R/O water...typical price is .50-.75 per G...I had a 75G SW tank setup and purchased an R/O DI water filtration system from airwaterice.com and it worked great...a simple TDS meter would tell you the ppm in your water...lower the better.

I personally use a 5G bucket from home depot with a small heater right on the bottom of the bucket. I use cold water from tap and not hot water or warm at all. Never had an issue with my tap here and its well water with the mistking system.
In terms of pH, mineral content, and "purity", rainwater, RO, and distilled water are more or less the same. Is this super important? It does not seem so.
I use RO water for several reasons:
1) I believe RO water is a good approximate match for unpolluted rainwater.
(so in the absence of data that could show what is best, I am going with as close to natural as I can.
2) No spotting and calcium buildup on plant leaves
3) mist system nozzles stay in perfect function (they used to clog/build up all the time)
4) The fact that I have an RO set-up already from saltwater days.
5) I find "systems" and technology interesting.
Hardware stores have 2 gallon buckets with a top like the 5 gallons? I have never seen any there but I will be sure to ask when I go in there now.
have you tried there small two gallon buckets instead of the five gallon buckets?
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