Mass Cane plant in cham enclosure


Chameleon Enthusiast
So I recently picked up a Dracaena fragrans, aka Mass Cane, For my chams adult cage to go along with the umbrella plant. I chose it because of its height and broad leaves which helps fill out the top portion on the cage. I have added alot of vines weaving in and around the think stalks and through the think leaves for my cham to explore and hide in since the leaves wont support him and this plant only really has the think stalks to grab on to.

But anyway to my question... Does anyone have experience keeping these plants in a cham enclosure? How does it hold up to the constant watering from misters?
You will need to make sure it has very good drainage or the leaves will brown starting at the ends and eventually die back.Use small gravel in the bottom of the pot for drainage and try to avoid having to much spray get it from the mister.
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