New Member
So I've been going through a lot of crickets, most end up dying. After reading a few other posts about I figured I did not have enough hiding places for them and that the wet food I was giving them was the problem. So I stopped with the fresh food, until I figure out exactly what's causing them to die, and started putting more stuff in their bin. I'm not looking to buy egg crates if I don't have to but if I do I will, currently using a mixture of toilet paper rolls, paper towel rolls, some smaller egg cartons, and some cup holders from McDonalds. Well A good deal are still dying on me so now I'm at a bit of a loss as to what I'm doing wrong. I read other people's post and the only thing I can not verify is air flow. Currently the container they are in has three holes in it for air flow. One on the side and two at the top. I try and clean up the cricket bin once a week, one and half at worst case now. I change out their water about twice a week and feed them as I see their food gets low. Here is the cricket bin so you can get a better visual of what I'm doing. Any suggestions? Also I'm trying to get the crickets sorted out so I can start a small colony of dubai roaches, obviously don't want to get roaches as well just to have them die off. Thanks!