Make Glass Cage Less Reflective


New Member
I have an exo terra 18x18x24 glass terrarium that i was hoping to use for another few months. The walls and especially doors of my cage are reflective beyond belief. Its essentially mirrors. Usually he's not bothered by this, but about once a day, maybe twice, i will notice him looking at his reflection and getting fired up over it. Its almost always at the reflection in the door, and when i open up the cage he immediately calms down and doesn't do it again.

I'm wondering if there is any way i can make it less reflective so he stops doing this. He's in the basement so temperature and humidity are issues and glass is the best way for me to go.
i dont think either of those solutions is possible. i'm in a basement so its hard to add more light. and i would like to see into the cage... :(
i dont think either of those solutions is possible. i'm in a basement so its hard to add more light. and i would like to see into the cage... :(

I'm not sure there is anything you can do to the glass itself then, the only way of making one way glass is to mirror the other side and thats precisely what you're trying to avoid.

How about reducing the brightness of your lights? Or repositioning them so that the light is creating less reflections. For example if you're using the canopy, try moving it from the back to the front or vice versa. May have no effect, but i'm really not sure what else to suggest i'm afraid :confused: sorry

Line the inside of the cage with green plastic chicken fence. That or maybe a little bit of aluminum screen. It'll break up his body and reflection. Worked with some of my montanes.
thank you for the suggestions and ideas. i'm going to try using some window screen i have and see if that helps at all. not really sure how to attach it however :p
A.few spots of hot glue or aquariu sealant would do the trick.

i've had trouble with my hot glue sticking to glass (or rather, not sticking to it whatsoever), but good call on the sealant. i've got half a tube of it. thank you!! :D

i dont know if this is related or not, but in the past two days or so, he's been very angry. he sort of half puffs up (no chin thing most of the time) but his body is not his skinny usual self. he sways side to side in a jerking motion as well. he's still eating normally but i haven't seen him drink. i'm thinking he might just be getting ready to shed since his colours are a little darker and less vibrant than usual. any ideas?
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