lowering the temperature


New Member
Hi, I have a Exo terra 90x45x90cm and a T. quadricornis but the temprature's at 77 F/25 C, I do have a computer fan on top of the terra blowing away from the cage to get the air to circulate but it doesn't seem to make any difference with the temprature.

Does anyone out there have any tip on how to lower the temperature on hot summer days?
I removed the doors on my exo terra as soon as my cham is old enough to get a bit more ventilation, I found them to be stuffy!! I eventually went semi* free range
I have a full grown cat, they are aware of each other but he doesn't bother K2, it is always risk tho and I make sure Im always around when they are together


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I have a full grown cat, they are aware of each other but he doesn't bother K2, it is always risk tho and I make sure Im always around when they are together

Be very careful! Just a small scratch from a cat is a death sentence for a cham due to the bacteria. There have been a few sad stories of cat attacks on the forums recently...
Absolutely! Takes vigilance and a very careful set up! Also helps that my cat prefers to be outside more often than not..
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