Lost/ Dead Chameleon


Avid Member
I took in a awesome Graceful chameleon that was not being taken care of properly. I got him into great shape and he was my little friend. I actually handled him a lot compared to any other animals I have. I took him outside every single day with me for a few hours at least.
I Didnt really have much cage room so I offered him to a friend that was just getting into herps and really liked him. So I gave him away for free with a Repti Breeze cage and set him all up. I found out today while he was working his gf took the cham out and basically lost him. He has been gone since 2 pm yesterday. Buddy lives on 11 acre farm with huge fields and wooded areas all around. The surrounding area is all woods and cornfieilds. Im going to go there tonight with flashlights and look in the night. If not found I think the little guy will do awesome until the cooler weather kicks in or wild animal gets to him first. I really dont see much hope for this little guy going into the cold season so he is probably not going to make it. Ill post some pics when I get a chance. His name was Grateful, only chameleon I ever named.

what really upsets me is nobody told me till a day later. When I could have probably easily have found him withing the hours he went MIA ....Now its been over 30 hrs and then they tell me.
best of luck goo call on nighttime with the flashlight, i feel you will find him he prob, closer than he may appear..
you should see if maybe you can find a spot light. Like the ones you can plug into a cig. lighter in your car to spot for deer. They sell them at walmart in either the sporting goods section or the auto section. I think the same units can run on batteries to make it easily portable. they also let the light reach way furthur out compared to a regular flashlight! Good luck and keep us posted!
Did you have any luck?

If you can find them locally, get a LED flashlight, much brighter than the old-school flashlights, and will last for years. I have had my LED flashlight for over 4 years and it still works fine, and only used 2 sets of AA batteries since I purchased it.
Nope, no luck thanks for the ideas too. Yes, we've used LED and large spot lights. We are out there every day n most nights just hanging out, so we are always keeping an eye out. Used to go out every morning to see if hed find the sun 1st thing. But no sign :confused:.
He got to live out the last weeks/months as a free happy as can be chameleon. He always soaked up plenty of sun and ate plenty of wild insects. For the few weeks I had him. He wanted nothing more than to be out. I got him off craigslist in not the best of shape in a 10 gallon with no vines or sticks. I worked him up to good health and gave him away. He always hated being in the cages.
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