looking for answers


Avid Member
I just got a juvenile female Veiled Chameleon last week and had some questions that need to be answered. I searched the web and couldn't find them anywhere.

#1 When should I expect her to start laying eggs?
#2 How much water should she be drinking in a day?
#3 How often should I handle her so she won't be stressed? I want to get her more tame before she grows into an adult.

If anyone can give me some answers, I would appreciate it. Thanks.
You said..."#1 When should I expect her to start laying eggs?"...there is no set time...but once she is about 6 or 7 months of age she is capable of laying eggs. A lot depends on how you keep her. I have some that are over three years old that have never laid an egg yet. I always provide a container of washed sandbox sand in any egglaying female's cage so she has a place to dig to let me know that she is getting ready to lay eggs. Failure to provide an appropriate place can lead to eggbinding and eventually, death.

You asked..."#2 How much water should she be drinking in a day?"...hydration is important. I mist mine a couple of times a day and once they are over 3 or so months of age, I provide a dripper too. I can't really give you an amount of water she needs...but if she isn't showing signs of dehydration, she is likely getting enough.

You asked..."#3 How often should I handle her so she won't be stressed? I want to get her more tame before she grows into an adult."...most chameleons don't like to be handled. Some TOLERATE it. I leave it up to the chameleon....if it wants to come out on me, then I let it. If its doesn't then I don't push it.

Are you providing sunlight or UVB light that doesn't pass through the glass?
Do you gutload the insects and dust them with phosphorous-free calcium?
She will reach sexual maturity somewhere around 6 months old. This does not mean she will need to lay eggs.
According to Kinyonga this can be controlled with diet and a females diet should be limited to prevent stimulating egg production.
I'm sure K. will respond although she's probably tired of typing this info.
Check older posts for her responses to this issue.
Water should (IMO) always be available during the day in the form of a drip system. Additionally several mistings per day are required with time in between for the enclosure to completely dry out.
I believe these animals should be left alone. They do not want to be held and trying to "tame" one is (IMO) a bad idea and causes them a great deal of unneeded stress.

Yeah, i got a full spectrum florescent light that emits uva and 5%UVB. I also got a basking light that gives off a heat of around 80*F - 85*F. I have another basking bulb that can heat up more. But I am scared to use right now because she is still a juvenile. I don't want to cause sun burn. Bye the way thanks for answering those question. I've been searching literally for a week. This forum is awesome and I'm glad I found it.
Its best keep young chameleons at more moderate temperatures than the adults IMHO...their smaller bodies dehydrate/cool/heat up faster than adults do.
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