Note: Currently filling out the 'form' in an edit
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - He's a veiled chameleon, I'm not sure of the age-- I believe he's a male-- but he's very small, about 3.5" long excluding tail. I have had him for about 2 weeks.
Handling - Twice a week, for cage cleaning, and handfeeding mealworms at that time.
Feeding - Mealworms, Crickets, the occasional fly. I provide plenty but he eats only about 3 mealworms a day. I add about a dozen crickets every three days, but he doesn't eat them. I put spinach, mango, cabbage, and carrot into the crickets jar for about a day before putting them in his cage.
Supplements - I dust mealworms and crickets with Zoo Med's Reptivite.
Watering - There is a bowl of still water that I keep full, though I know he won't drink from it as it is still, but I mist 3-4 times a day. I never see him drink.
Fecal Description - Like a bird-poop. Slightly wet, white, and black. He has not been to the vet while in my care.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - 20 Gal glass aquarium. Mesh top.
Lighting - 60 watt red bulb from the petstore (I think it is also Zoo-Med) and one of those $30 UV lightbulbs. In ceramic Flukers fixtures.
Temperature - 60-80-- the temp gauge is in the center of the cage though, not the basking spot.
Humidity - Anywhere from 20% - 90%. I mist often, but don't want the bedding soaked. It is a combo temp/humidity gauge that sticks to the back of the cage.
Plants - One small Ficus.
Placement - He's in a corner between two windows. The top of the cage comes to about 4.5 ft.
Location - Plano, TX
Current Problem -
I bought my veiled chameleon about two weeks ago from a girl on Craigslist (for better or for worse). I named him Matcha. He hasn't had much of an appetite and I would like for him to be energetic, happy, and healthy. When I first got him, I noticed a little bump on one of his eyes, like a little swollen area, and another one on the bridge of his nose. After joining here and reading online a lot, I wondered if this had something to do with his shedding. I have not made it to the vet yet.
His appetite is pretty bad but I'm able to get him to eat meal-worms if I hold them in my palm and he perches on my finger. I am dusting the meal-worms with Reptivite because he will not eat crickets. I have bought the small crickets and keep them dusted and have tried both letting them roam the cage and using a feeding cup, but he won't eat them.
He's in a glass aquarium with a mesh top, and a UV light and heat-lamp (to one side) on top. He has two trees, a fake one (warm side) and a real one (small Ficus, cool side) but he seems to get stuck (??) sometimes in the ficus.
I keep his cage misted 3-4 times a day, dripping down the plants like rain and just lightly misting the glass, but I have never actually seen him drink. His eyes are not sunken but his little arms are quite thin and I am beginning to see his ribs. The first chance I will have to go out to the vet is Tuesday evening.. I'm really worried about him...
Do you SEE your chameleon drink? Do you know what would stimulate his appetite? I want him to be eating more healthful things than meal-worms!
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - He's a veiled chameleon, I'm not sure of the age-- I believe he's a male-- but he's very small, about 3.5" long excluding tail. I have had him for about 2 weeks.
Handling - Twice a week, for cage cleaning, and handfeeding mealworms at that time.
Feeding - Mealworms, Crickets, the occasional fly. I provide plenty but he eats only about 3 mealworms a day. I add about a dozen crickets every three days, but he doesn't eat them. I put spinach, mango, cabbage, and carrot into the crickets jar for about a day before putting them in his cage.
Supplements - I dust mealworms and crickets with Zoo Med's Reptivite.
Watering - There is a bowl of still water that I keep full, though I know he won't drink from it as it is still, but I mist 3-4 times a day. I never see him drink.
Fecal Description - Like a bird-poop. Slightly wet, white, and black. He has not been to the vet while in my care.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - 20 Gal glass aquarium. Mesh top.
Lighting - 60 watt red bulb from the petstore (I think it is also Zoo-Med) and one of those $30 UV lightbulbs. In ceramic Flukers fixtures.
Temperature - 60-80-- the temp gauge is in the center of the cage though, not the basking spot.
Humidity - Anywhere from 20% - 90%. I mist often, but don't want the bedding soaked. It is a combo temp/humidity gauge that sticks to the back of the cage.
Plants - One small Ficus.
Placement - He's in a corner between two windows. The top of the cage comes to about 4.5 ft.
Location - Plano, TX
Current Problem -
I bought my veiled chameleon about two weeks ago from a girl on Craigslist (for better or for worse). I named him Matcha. He hasn't had much of an appetite and I would like for him to be energetic, happy, and healthy. When I first got him, I noticed a little bump on one of his eyes, like a little swollen area, and another one on the bridge of his nose. After joining here and reading online a lot, I wondered if this had something to do with his shedding. I have not made it to the vet yet.
His appetite is pretty bad but I'm able to get him to eat meal-worms if I hold them in my palm and he perches on my finger. I am dusting the meal-worms with Reptivite because he will not eat crickets. I have bought the small crickets and keep them dusted and have tried both letting them roam the cage and using a feeding cup, but he won't eat them.
He's in a glass aquarium with a mesh top, and a UV light and heat-lamp (to one side) on top. He has two trees, a fake one (warm side) and a real one (small Ficus, cool side) but he seems to get stuck (??) sometimes in the ficus.
I keep his cage misted 3-4 times a day, dripping down the plants like rain and just lightly misting the glass, but I have never actually seen him drink. His eyes are not sunken but his little arms are quite thin and I am beginning to see his ribs. The first chance I will have to go out to the vet is Tuesday evening.. I'm really worried about him...
Do you SEE your chameleon drink? Do you know what would stimulate his appetite? I want him to be eating more healthful things than meal-worms!