Lighting question


New Member
I have a panther chameleon. Cage size is 24X24X48. What wattage bulb should i be using to properly heat? I was looking at 150W halogen flood light, is that too much? I wanna make sure he is warm as his cage is not far from the door to outside.
The Bulb wattage used for heating really depends on your ambient temperature and the distance that bulb is to the top most basking area.
The best thing to do is to invest in a thermometer with a remote sensor (fairly cheap at Walmart). And monitor the temp. Adjust the distance and wattage accordingly so that the temperture is ideal for your chameleon species (usually 80 to 90 degrees) more or less for certain species. You will have to make these adjustments as the seasons change to keep these temperatures constant.
I have a panther chameleon. Cage size is 24X24X48. What wattage bulb should i be using to properly heat? I was looking at 150W halogen flood light, is that too much? I wanna make sure he is warm as his cage is not far from the door to outside.

Depends how cold it is, but even 100w is pretty hot. I use a 50w here in southern california in an equivalent cage.
Although with this heatwave, I haven't used it for a few days now.
I use 40-60 watt regular tungsten incadescent bulbs. As was said previous, what you need will depend on your ambient temp, as well as on the species of chameleon, its age and gendre.

Is your cage all screen? If so, having close to a draft or frequently opening door may not be a good idea, due to potential rapid changes in temp

More info on lighting can be found here:
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