Life history traits, age profile, and conservation of the panther chameleon, Furcifer pardalis (Cuvier 1829), at Nosy Be, NW Madagascar...


Chameleon Queen
I found it interesting about where they live....
"Some authors depicted the large Furcifer species, such as F. oustaleti and F. verrucosus (NECˇAS 2004) or F. pardalis (RAXWORTHY 1988), as forest canopy special- ists, only secondarily adapted to edge habitats. During our work at Nosy Be and our biodiversity surveys in Sambirano and eastern rainforests we regularly searched for large chameleons on the forest canopy, but only very rarely found them. As further confirmation that the panther chameleon is not a canopy specialist we report that a ten-day study carried out in the forest canopy at Masoala in 1998 yielded only one detected individual (M.E. WALVOORD pers. comm.)"... et al. Furcifer pardalis.pdf
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