laying bin...need some help...


Established Member
ok today i put a laying bin in my veileds cage...and she was eating the play sand in it...and shes been constipated for the past few days or atleast i think she has...and i havent seen her eat in a few days nor drink water and im really worried and frustrated about whats wrong with her,...can some one please help...idk what to do...:(:(:(...and shes been all over her cage and ive caught her on the floor of her cage a few times and shes been trying to climb on the top of her cage alot...she hasent been acting normal...i posted pics of her feces already...on another post...but idk.........................
Females often will not eat and sometimes not drink prior to laying eggs. She may have been tasting the sand out of curiosity. You need to not let her see you if she is close to laying eggs, or she may decide it is unsafe to use the laying bin.
Females often will not eat and sometimes not drink prior to laying eggs. She may have been tasting the sand out of curiosity. You need to not let her see you if she is close to laying eggs, or she may decide it is unsafe to use the laying bin.

so i shouldnt worry about her eating the sand???when i got her she was doing the same thing eating the dirt from the really it ok to give her a drop of olive oil if she is constipated just in case???
May I suggest that you don't make a new thread for every question. It makes it difficult to keep track of what's going on with one chameleon.

Its possible that she is eating dirt and sand because she is looking for nutrients. Perhaps you should fill out the "how to ask for help" questionaire at the top of the health section.
May I suggest that you don't make a new thread for every question. It makes it difficult to keep track of what's going on with one chameleon.

Its possible that she is eating dirt and sand because she is looking for nutrients. Perhaps you should fill out the "how to ask for help" questionaire at the top of the health section.

sorry for bugging i just dont want any thing to happen to my girl,,,:(...i filled out the how to ask for help...
don't feel like you are bugging anyone. You are just trying to help your chameleon and we all understand that.;)
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