Lali still hanging in, 2010


New Member
Helloooo. Just making an appearence and celebrating yet another year of life for Lali, Mr. Triggs and Fractal who is now 4 years old. Most amazing pets who demand my interaction with them. If life keeps me too busy,they come at me desperately to be held and fussed over. Lali scratches the screen to get my attention and then gets excited when I come to pick her up. She's so deformed she cannot grip, but paws me and pulls herself up onto my hand. If it gets dark, she likes to fall asleep there. Hope everyone is doing well.
ThanX. Some here on the forum remember Lali from a few years ago and we celebrate her life and her trooper spirit. Her deformities do not stop her from carrying on, even if she does live mostly on the bottom of the cage and on a only slightly slanted wooden bird ladder. She's happy to be a part of the family and life is good. She had her bath today. Top of the new year to all. :D
Hey hey... You're a sight for sore eyes...good to see you too. Hope all is well with you and yours. Yeah, Lali is the miracle girl Xanth. What have you got now?
Well, I no easy answer to that question... Ryan J and I teamed up, so between the two of us the a little bit of everything :p.
I've been babysitting chams nad encouraging people to know keepers local to them to create a support network.
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