Established Member
Hello, I have a female jacksons about 6-7 months I've had her for a month and she is doing great. She is in a 24x24x48 reptibreeze with lots of foliage and branches and places to hide. She has a 5.0 reptiglo UVB energy saving bulb and a 75 watt heat lamp at the highest corner of her cage. Basking temp is around 83 with a 2 degree variation at most, ambient temp Goes to 72 at the bottom and at night the whole cage is 70-75. I mist her cage and plants several times a day to keep up humidity which I have to be constinatly have to be keeping up. There is a live umbrella and pothos vine in there swell. She eats anywhere between 6-9 crickets a day with a couple super worms and meal worms and wax worms from time to time but mostly super worms. Every feeder is gut loaded. What my question is, is I know that female chams can give birth without every meeting a male, and jacksons give live birth so, is there anyway for my female to give birth to live chams or will it be an unfertilized yolk? I'm a little bit confused about this and I want to be prepared for it if it ever happens thank you in advance!! Please any input would be great