Jackson convoltions.


Avid Member
Anyone out there ever see their cham jerk violently almost like convolutions in an attempt to intimidate you. I've had them puff up, hiss, and get fired up with collar, but this is the first time I have had one do this. At first I thought something was wrong with her, but the more she has done it the more I've come to realize it's a defence mechanism. :confused:
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Lol I know what your talking about. Looks like she's shaking her whole body back and forth like a person would their head saying "no! No! No!"

Personally my chams have never done that to me, but they are really laid back. I've seen other peoples chameleons do that though. Especially females who don't want to be bred.
Lol I know what your talking about. Looks like she's shaking her whole body back and forth like a person would their head saying "no! No! No!"

Personally my chams have never done that to me, but they are really laid back. I've seen other peoples chameleons do that though. Especially females who don't want to be bred.

I'm 90% sure she is gravid so it would make since. She is normally real laid back. I guess she's just having that whole I'm pregnant don't bother me attitude. LOL :D
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