Jackson’s care


Established Member
Can anyone link me good information for Jackson’s care or explain it to me? I’m thinking about getting a Jackson’s chameleon and I know that there care differs from a veiled (which I currently have). I’m not sure where to look for info.
@JacksJill sells awesome Jackson’s chams as well as Bill Strand and others. With Jackson’s the real difference in them from veileds is they need a big nighttime drop in temp down into the low 60’s to high 50’s. They don’t require as high basking temps, 80 degrees usually the highest, and they’re real sensitive to supplement so they’re requirement is lower. The cage size is the same but planted heavily unlike veileds. Jackson’s need places to hide and get out of the heat light. They like to hide deep in a tree where you can’t see them at all. They’re slower moving and more shy creatures than veileds. They require high humidity at night so a lot of us provide a fogger if the temps are low enough. That’s all I can think of for now but @JacksJill can probably tell you more. I hope that helps
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