Is my chameleon underweight?


New Member

My guy is called Yoshi, he is about 6 months (got him early September at the age of 4 month). He gets at least 5 medium sized locust a day, and an AM and PM watering for about 3 minutes. He is quite friendly but hasn’t been handled properly out of cage yet. He only gets hand fed (accepts it nicely sometimes climbs onto hands).
Was wondering if he is the right weight/size for his age, as ive seen a couple other chameleons with thicker arms and bodies that are his age.
Hes a bit under weight.

I go by the tail. If its a meat tube, hes too fat. If You can just see a center line, its perfect. If you start seeing multiple lines down the tail, or individual vert, hes too skinny.

This is perfect just one line:

Agree with @nightanole a bit underweight. I would try to give him a variety of feeders some silkworms or even superworms. You said you are feeding him 5 locust a day but are they all being eaten? Chams will get tired of te same food source and sometimes refuse to eat.
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