Is it ok to gutload superworms for more than one day?


New Member
I have some superworms that have been loading up on fluker farms cricket gutloader. Is it ok if they remain in the cup, gutloading off this stuff for several days? Is it possible for the food to be "too nutritious". Any problems here?

^noob by the way
I feed mine everyday. I don't use the flukers though, so I don't know about that stuff. As they eat the food in the container they are living in(it is a small tupper ware) I just keep replacing it. I feed mine the same things as my crickets, kale, romaine, apples, mangos etc. But yes, they can be gutloaded for more than one day.
yes, you can feed them nutritious food (gutload them) every day of their lives. Flukers may not be the best choice though - fresh veg and fruit may be a better choice.
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