Is anyone familiar with Golden Geckos?


New Member
My chameleon recently passed away, I looked into it and it appeared to be MBD but i rescued him and his previous home he was mistreated and malnourished so i did rescue him but sadly he didn't make it more than 8 months in my care... So i looked into a non complex reptile with little maintence, and i was thinking of a gargoyle gecko... but my neighbor had a golden gecko that hadnt been fed or watered in 3+ weeks so he was soon to die and i rescued him too... i guess the main question is anyone familiar with golden geckos in case i have any serious questions involving his health, or if i should go to a different website. BTW thanks for all the help with Chad in his last day of life... All help is greatly Appreciated THANKS!:)
Goldens are pretty basic care as far as geckos go, i would use a decent size enclosure at least 30 gallons as they are not a small gecko. water should always be available, but you can mist the cage similar to how you would a chameleon.

id keep conditions similar to how you would keep a tokay or skunk gecko as they are kinda similar.

diet is crickets and i have seen them occasionally crested gecko diet and feed on fruits for the nectar.
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