Injured Tail

Replaced all plants with live ones, looks great. I have been monitoring the tail closely. The necrotized chunk fell off and looks to be healing and he/she just shed this week, good signs. Looks like the tail is having issues getting rid of the shed though, whats the plan of attack with this? be patient? when is it a concern? especially given the recent tail issues...
Replaced all plants with live ones, looks great. I have been monitoring the tail closely. The necrotized chunk fell off and looks to be healing and he/she just shed this week, good signs. Looks like the tail is having issues getting rid of the shed though, whats the plan of attack with this? be patient? when is it a concern? especially given the recent tail issues...
If it looks like it is constricting then you need to assist. So like if you have a rubber band wrapped around your wrist and it is pushing in on the skin causing an issue with circulation.

But only if this is happening. They can shed more slowly in damaged areas.
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