inform me please!!!!!!!!


New Member
HI GUYS!!! We've done it!! we've made a decision!! we have decided on the panther!! now we've read all about the lights and humidity. Well i'd like to know off you guys who have panthers( or now alot about them) tips and good hints of careing for them on a day to day basis as good as we can. i know i keep saying thank you on all my posts but........................ thank you all for your help. katy x x :) :) :) :) :)
Hi Katy,

My tip is,

If you feel something is wrong always go back and check you husbandry.

Sometimes thermometers and hygrometers malfunction.

Fresh gut load for your feeders makes a world of difference

Crickets stink ;)

We will be waiting for pictures of you new babies ;)
First off congratulations on your decision :D. Do you know where your getting your panther from?

Second, there is quite a bit to know its prob easier to ask about a specific thing or do a quick search... Im in no way saying that in a mean way (even though it may come off like that.... sorry im from new jersey i cant help it:D)

I know every one on here will give you great advise so you can keep you panther happy and healthy..
Hi Katy,

My tip is,

If you feel something is wrong always go back and check you husbandry.

Sometimes thermometers and hygrometers malfunction.

Fresh gut load for your feeders makes a world of difference

Crickets stink ;)

We will be waiting for pictures of you new babies ;)

agreed... some of the best things to know are a proper dusting schedule, proper gut loading. Its def a good idea to know ahead of time of a good exotic vet in your area, so god forbid something does happen your not searching for hours to find a vet
good into to panther chams

basic husbandry

basic feeding and nutrition

gutloading basics

I recommend getting a mistking misting system to prevent your cham
from dehydration.

a variety of feeders is key to keeping a cham from hunger strikes.
Good feeders are Crickets, Roaches, locusts, Silk-worms, CB katydids, Indian walking sticks.
Good feeders but a little high in fat or high in chitin should be fed less often like, Butter-worms, Horn-worms, Super worms, Isopods, CB flies

many people buy cages but some make them and they can be done out of

hardware cloth

pvc pipes

and zip-ties

if you want to know anything else feel free to PM me
ahh thank you jessica & mr wilson, not sure where we're going to get our new addition to the family from yet as still doing all the research first to make sure we know as much as possible first so we can take propper care of the little fellow, my dad is going to build viv next week so when thats finished will put pic's of that up which i belive is going to be very nice (he's a carpenter), we're going to go to rhyl and wrexham(in north wales neary were we live) on sunday to looks at some chams and learn about them, will have to look in to a vets my vet does cows, sheep, horses and dogs so will have to find out if anyone in the practice no's about reptiles, ohh and i dont think you were being mean mr wilson, i didnt really put what i wanted to know, i just wanted tips off people who have a panther on good things to do for them as some people say their hard to keep and others say their easy and the web well!! it just repeats its self saying about where they come from and the lighting and humidity. x x:D
thank you for all those links jamncristian ahhh you lot on here are just so kind and helpfull thank you x x
pet stores often don't know how to properly take care of a cham let alone identify it.
They will often tell you bad information that will make you spend money on things
that are useless or can have detrimental effects on your cham.

if you have questions regarding chams ask us and your chameleon approved vet, not the petstore owners
yeah the places we're going are breeders,(not pet shops) rhyl and wrexham are just the names off the town, umm what would you consider a good and propper set up for a panther we really really really want a sambava god they are stunning. what do you have? x
I had a veiled that was rescued from a neglecting owner but I didnt have enough money
to continue taking care of him so I gave him to a friend who was ready to rehabilitating
and continue taking care of him

I am currently waiting to be financially ready before i buy another cham

I always loved panthers, but there too expensive for me at the moment but my favorites are these 2 &

here is a thread full of good enlosures pics

be sure to post pics of your babies when you get them:)
waawoo i think i've changed my mind the fierce is stunning!!! will defo put pic's up its the least i can do after all the help everyones given me!! thanks again good night or as the welsh say " nos da"
You want some good advice. Read, Read , read, and then read some more. Buy some books on panthers. A good library to research any questions that will arise is an invaluable tool. People on here can and will help but there are some on this and other sites who have no business giving others husbandry advice. I read all i can then if i dont understand or i dont think the resource im using is correct i come on here and ask others opinions/experience.
I agree with Panther Man, there's nothing like buying really great books on chameleons. More often than not they're written by experienced breeders know know their stuff, while on here you don't know if you're getting advise from some loser with one sickly cham who thinks he knows his stuff.

Before you get the little guy, make sure you have lots of plants. He'll do best if he can get home, find a nice quiet place in his cage to hide in and settle in. So make sure you have enough plants so that he has lots of options for hiding spots. A cheap thing to do is to get branches from your own backyard or somewhere and use those in the cages. As long as you know that they're not rotting or anything, branches from outside are perfectly fine to use.

Definately look into getting lots of different insects (roaches are gross but are great because they breed really well. You pay $50 to start a colony and never have to pay for roaches again. Superworms also breed well), and investigate what to feed the insects because what your insects eat goes into the cham too, so a rich diet for them means a rich diet for him too.

And enjoy him! :D They're fantastic animals, and every day I wish I had more space for more chams.
thanks for all the advice guys, have brought some books which should come to day i order them on saturday, i know i cant trust all advice ( iam dum but not that dum but thank you for pointing it out) i just asked on here as well as its nice to get advice off people who have them and live with them day in day out. katy x x:)
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