IM A GENIUS! Super cheap outdoor enclosure


New Member
Ok so I work at a grocery store and was thinkng about my enclosure and trying to think of a design to build a outdoor porch enclosure. And then it hit me. A shopping buggy! You could take the wheels and the bottom frame off of it and stand it up on the back side (the side with the baby seat). Most grocery stores, like the one I work at put broken buggies out back. You could just either take one or ask. I doubt they will mind. I already have a few from my work to my house. I'm super excited to try this out. If you try it let me know
I'm surprised they don't repair the buggies. Those things are really expensive I have heard.

If you call them buggies you may live where there are fireflies (aka lightning bugs). Be careful about mesh size if you do- fireflies are toxic.
I'm surprised they don't repair the buggies. Those things are really expensive I have heard.

If you call them buggies you may live where there are fireflies (aka lightning bugs). Be careful about mesh size if you do- fireflies are toxic.

thats pretty dag gom funny...we call them buggies round my way and have tons of fireflies bahahaha. good to know though. I've been thinking of making a free range on the back porch..guess it'll have to be full enclosed first

a glowing chameleon would be pretty cool though, eh?
I'm surprised they don't repair the buggies. Those things are really expensive I have heard.

If you call them buggies you may live where there are fireflies (aka lightning bugs). Be careful about mesh size if you do- fireflies are toxic.

Lol yes I live where there are A LOT of lightening flies
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