idk what to do...can anyone give advice?


New Member
so im going to a family reunion in michigan for 3 days & i cant find anyone to come to my place to t.c. of my veileds. & i dont have anywhere that is safe to bring them while im gone. on top of all that one of my females (might be gravid) and im worried enough about that as it is. i can make a homemade drip system for water but im worried that might not be enough. anybody have this problem before? any advice or help?
why not find your local vet and bring them there see if they can sit for you.. look around for herp memebers near you. ask your friends if they can sit for you at their house. make an egg laying bin for the female before you go, and if you have about 7 bucks go to petco or petsmart and get a Zoo Med Little Dripper.
my closest local vet is 6 hours away lol iv asked around for to see if my friends can sit for me but so far no luck. i have an egg laying bin in her cage already so she should be set there. and as for a dripper i have something i can use for that... i havent really found any herp members near me on here :(
my closest local vet is 6 hours away lol iv asked around for to see if my friends can sit for me but so far no luck. i have an egg laying bin in her cage already so she should be set there. and as for a dripper i have something i can use for that... i havent really found any herp members near me on here :(

hmm. thats a tough one. i would say petstore but no.. lol :)
hmm if i think of anything i will let you know:)
yes i have & so far nothing lol i live in a not so populated area.. i even made a post looking for one so im still hoping to find someone before i go.
Start a new thread for Cham sitter needed from when to when and give your city and state.

You can also do a search here for PA and see if any members are anywhere close to you.
good news!! i contacted ruru's original owner & she said that she would be able to t.c. of them for me !!! thanks for the advice everyone!
i am new to the forums but had a veiled before.
Anyway, how old are your veileds?. and do you feed them every other day?. It should be fine if you leave for two days but three days is really pushin it. veileds that are generally adults do not need to be fed everyday. just ever other day. As long as they have water they should be ok, just hungry. As for the gravid female i dont really know much about caring for a gravid female. sorry.... Hope things work out for the best
...good luck.
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