I now know the answer to, 'Do chameleon bites hurt?'


Established Member
And that answer is yes, very, very much.

What happened:
Superworm time and I was hand feeding. I held the worm out to him and he missed x3 (we have an appointment with the optometrist next week).
I decided to place the worm in my palm. He walked right over balanced on the edge of my hand and took another shot.
He missed, but his tongue was caught on me, so I daren't not move.
I think he thought he scored because he didn't retract his tongue, he ran up to it and chomped down on my flesh (as the worm crawled off snickering).
He increased pressure while trying to rip out a chunk of flesh (very nearly succeeding) and I actually let out a pain scream.
As soon as I felt his tongure release I pulled away.
Damn that hurt like a dickens.
We won't be repeating that any time soon.
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Ya know I don't understand the people that seem to think it doesn't hurt. I have only been slightly grabbed once on a finger (not by Beman) and I wanted to cry when he finally released.

Also have you asked in the forum about the targeting issues?
And that answer is yes, very, very much.

What happened:
Superworm time and I was hand feeding. I held the worm out to him and he missed x3 (we have an appointment with the optometrist next week).
I decided to place the worm in my palm. He walked right over balanced on the edge of my hand and took another shot.
He missed, but his tongue was caught on me, so I daren't not move.
I think he thought he scored because he didn't retract his tongue, he ran up to it and chomped down on my flesh (as the worm crawled off snickering).
He increased pressure while trying to rip out a chunk of flesh (very nearly succeeding) and I actually let out a pain scream.
As soon as I felt his tongure release I pulled away.
Damn that hurt like a dickens.
We won't be repeating that any time soon.
71aNKB43LfL._AC_SX450_.jpg You have one of these right?
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