I feel bad here but placed an order today..got ?'s


New Member
I feel bad b/c Jelly just passed last night and then today I placed an order for a 2 month old male veiled. I'm not replacing him in anyway but feel kind of bad for doing this so soon.
I can't have this enclosure sitting here empty, if that makes sense

I already buy tiny crickets for my baby tarantulas. How often do 2 month olds eat? And how many at a time? Do babies require higher temps? Anything else I should know about starting out with a baby?

I'm gonna break the enclosure down for a very good cleaning and re run the pothos that have bushed out.

Here's a pic of what it looks like now.....I tried hanging the pothos but it just didn't work so well.

How big is the cage and how old is the 2mo? You might need to get a smaller cage.
A baby will eat daily but requires LOWER temperatures, around 80-85f at the basking spot. If its glass, I'd go 80f .
Cage size looks fine.
Its 16" wide and 20" tall. I got the small one since Jelly had problems when I got him.
The 2 month old is 3 1/2 long
Some people will recomend that you not spray the chameleon directly for fear of it choking or breathing in water and not to have a drip until it's about 4 months however, I had not problem with spraying mine. They also should be fed twice a day 3-5 small crickets (or equivalent of) in the morning and 3-5 small crickets in the afternoon. Temps should be around 80-83 at the basking site. Dust almost every time with calcium powder w/o d3 instead of every other like adults. Otherwise, care is about the same.
I got that when I took a second look. :) 80f basking spot. (dont sit the heat light right on top if possible, incase it climbs on the ceiling).
I am sorry to hear about jelly. However, dont feel bad for replacing her, like you said you have that empty enclosure and lighting so you have to put it to good use. Jelly will be proud of you. I also have Tarantulas, I have Avicularia Versicolor and grammostola porteri. T's and chams are very neat exotics to have.
Thanks guys! I've done some research on babies too in the past hr b/c that's what I do plus ya'll helped me out too:) I will miss Jelly but looking forward to a healthy baby. I just hope the idiots that sign Jelly over to where I work hasn't gotten another one!

So do ya'll think my 16x16x20 will be ok for a 3.5 inch baby? I saw some screen panels at wal mart that would make a smaller one if needed.
I am sorry to hear about jelly. However, dont feel bad for replacing her, like you said you have that empty enclosure and lighting so you have to put it to good use. Jelly will be proud of you. I also have Tarantulas, I have Avicularia Versicolor and grammostola porteri. T's and chams are very neat exotics to have.

I love my T's.. hubby doesn't like them b/c he's creeped up. For our 9th anniversary, he told me if I really want he could deal with it. So I got one then 2 months later I have 7....hehehehe
Have 1 a. avicularia, 1 a. versi, 1 a. purpurea, 1 b. vagans, 1 c. cyaneopubescens, 1 c. crawshay and 1 g, rosea. All 1" to 1 1/2 " except for the a.avic and its about 2.5".

Are you a member on tarantulaus?
I love my T's.. hubby doesn't like them b/c he's creeped up. For our 9th anniversary, he told me if I really want he could deal with it. So I got one then 2 months later I have 7....hehehehe
Have 1 a. avicularia, 1 a. versi, 1 a. purpurea, 1 b. vagans, 1 c. cyaneopubescens, 1 c. crawshay and 1 g, rosea. All 1" to 1 1/2 " except for the a.avic and its about 2.5".

Are you a member on tarantulaus?

Yes I am and that forum. It is very nice to meet you. My wife is horrified by my T's.and had a fit when they showed up. I really like the a. purpurea, I think that will be my next T. I will just have to keep it out of sight from the arachnophobic ones.
Wafflesmom-Where did you order your new baby from? I only ask because quite a few new members that are experiencing issues got chams from the same place (This place is not a site sponsor).
I feel bad b/c Jelly just passed last night and then today I placed an order for a 2 month old male veiled. I'm not replacing him in anyway but feel kind of bad for doing this so soon.
I can't have this enclosure sitting here empty, if that makes sense

I am so sorry to hear that you lost Jelly. I know how you feel about the empty cage - I was the same with Lily's when I lost her. It's hard to walk past the cage without looking in there. It just reminds you too much. I was lost without my Lily, and bought another cham within a week or so because i missed my little green friend too much and the house was kind of empty without her. Don't feel bad about it - you are not replacing Jelly. You are simply easing the pain by filling the gap that Jelly left behind.
Your cage size is about the size Reptarium I had for my baby panther (3-4 inches), so should be okay. Glad you're getting a new one, and best wishes for a healthy, thriving animal.
Good luck with your new cham!

Baby Veileds grow fast and BIG!

Be prepared to replace his cage! You'll probably need a larger one around the 6 month mark... if not sooner. However, for your baby, that cage size is good.
Thanks guys! I've done some research on babies too in the past hr b/c that's what I do plus ya'll helped me out too:) I will miss Jelly but looking forward to a healthy baby. I just hope the idiots that sign Jelly over to where I work hasn't gotten another one!

So do ya'll think my 16x16x20 will be ok for a 3.5 inch baby? I saw some screen panels at wal mart that would make a smaller one if needed.

i think thats a great size for a youngster
Thanks again! I was about to order a bigger one for Jelly since he was doing so good. When the baby gets bigger I will upgrade!

I ordered from FLChams...think I saw a link on here for them?

Someone in this thread mentioned not misting or dripper??, can't scroll back to read it again. So what do I need to do for water for the little guy?
Someone in this thread mentioned not misting or dripper??, can't scroll back to read it again. So what do I need to do for water for the little guy?

With very small babies, there's sometimes the concern that their nostrils may be blocked by water droplets; personally, I wouldn't worry about one the size and age you're getting. A dripper should be fine; if you want to be on the safe side, you can mist the plant leaves and avoid letting the spray fall directly on the chameleon until he's a bit bigger.

I've bought animals from FLChams and been happy with them.
I am happy for you that you will have another chameleon. They add so much to our lives, and you should not miss that.
I use a super fine mist but have sprayed all my clutches of baby veilds from about 6 weeks and never had a problem. Best of luck with the new one.
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