I did it!!

Miss Lily

Chameleon Enthusiast
I fed Amy and Tommy a silk moth each this morning! I figured that it would be a shame to waste them after they have laid their eggs, so I 'manned up' and fed two off!:D Yay me! I think I'm over the cuteness now, lol! I still couldn't feed off the cute one that was washing it's antennae though - that would be mean!:D
That is just too funny Tiff!!! Don't the chams get so excited when they see the moths??? They always look at me like "so are there anymore??" :D I aggree. Can't waste good food :p
Amy gets excited whenever I go near her viv in case I have food. She loved her moth (she's just a dustbin, lol). I had to hold Tommy's up by a wing so it fluttered. He's a bit slow on the uptake, bless him! I didn't think he would eat it, but he did!

My silkie eggs have turned purple/grey apart for the odd one or two. Are these fertile do you think?
Tiff where are the pictures? I would love to see Amy chowing down on a silk moth. Franie sent me some silk cocoons and I check them several times a day, I can't wait to see the moths. After the pictures you posted I have always wanted to see one.
I didn't have time to take pics, lol! Amy sucked her's up way too fast, lol! The moths usually hatch in the mornings - mine were just there when I got up one day and then a couple more the next! Be prepared for some serious cuteness, lol! Then you'll understand why I couldn't feed Moffy to anybody!:eek: What really tickles me is the way they wash their antennae like a cat washes behind it's ears, lol! Just far too cute!:D
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