Hyperactive Veiled cham


New Member
I'm trying to figure out whether I need to take my 2-year-old female veiled chameleon, Naadhira, to a vet or not. For the past 3 weeks she has been extremely active and constantly on the move. When I open her door, she even climbs onto me which she hasn't willingly done since she was a baby or climbs to the very edge on the top of the door until there is nowhere else to go. She's in a 24" x 24" x 36" screen cage with plenty of live plants, vines and branches to climb on, but she incessantly climbs on the screen and has lost two toenails in the past week. She's even walking a lot on the bottom of her cage, which she never did before.

I suppose it is possible that she's gravid since she's female, but I don't feel eggs and put in a container with 8 in of moistened dirt and she hasn't done anything with it. I've also just noticed that her nostrils are plugged up (she last shed about a month ago). I've tried to keep her off the screen by putting up hardware cloth, but her nails still get caught in the mesh.

I'm not sure what to do, does anyone have any advice? Thank you!


  • Naadhira 6-17-10 001.jpg
    Naadhira 6-17-10 001.jpg
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she wants you. :p. hahahahahaha. jk idk. my veiled is goofy, sometimes he rushes to come out at me, and sometimes he hates me with a passion.
I think we have the same ''problem''...
I was in your position few days ago...
your cham has blue dots on her self, she i constantly on the move...trying to get out, sometimes refuse to eat and sometime eats like crazy, a bit agresive...sometimes display a few black dots...
Yes...she is looking for a male to breed...
I'm taking my girl next week to my friend with same age male Veiled.
Hi Slobodan, do you know if there's a way to tell if she's just looking for a mate or if she already has infertile eggs and looking for a place to lay them? Unfortunately for her, she's not going to be finding a male no matter how hard she looks, so will she just get over it eventually and return to her normal "I hate my human leave me alone" self?
She's looking to lay eggs. Forget about the mating, it's too late already. Now you need to give her a very large and deep space to lay eggs.
I'll add that Jannb is probably one of the best person to help you if you have any questions. So pay attention to everything she says and do it carefully! ;)

You know...i might be wrong..but as i said...and if I'm right...and if she's acting as i described in previouce post...than shes looking for male...

But to check if she has eggs...it's best if you do like morpheon said...
Put a deep and big dish full of plant soil...or just ground so she can dig and lay eggs...

If she don't do that than she's asking for male...

Tell us what happend...
Good luck with your new discovery!

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