Humidity...too much?


New Member
Read somewhere here that too much humidity can cause respiratory problems :(

My cage is set up outdoors 24/7 and every morning the humidity reads 99%. During the rest of the day is on the 60's %
Is that really a problem?
What are the symptoms to look for?

Yes...screen on all 6 sides
Ill keep an eye out for saliva and noises, none of that so far.

Im on a tropical island, and every morning the vegetation looks like it has rained during the night. Is there any way too keep humidity lower?

No need yeyo. This is natural. The moisture on the plants is dew. Your humidity guage reads 99% early morning, because its coldest before dawn when dew forms.
As heat rises, moisture evaporates/burns off, and humidity drops.

If your lizards cage is well ventilated and it shows no sign of "respiratory" (right Carlton?)
issues, then the old adage applies, 'if its not broken, dont fix it'. :)

what species is your lizard anyway?
Thanks both for the replies...
Are there any other symptoms beside saliva and noises?
I'll keep watching for those.

He's a male ambilobe, he'll be 3 months old this Friday and hes been with me for 3 weeks. My first cham ever. There's an album in my profile if you wanna take a look at him. His name is Pantero.

Thanks again.
Holding the head looking up, puffing of the throat, bubbles from the nostrils and constantly open mouth are signs.
If it displays none of those its probably fine. Your climate is perhaps not too different to its own. :)
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