huffing and hissing


New Member
Hey, I just had a question. I bought my male 3 month old Panther Chameleon about a month ago. I got it from a VERY REPUTABLE breeder and am very happy with the purchase. Anyways, the breeder told me that I should keep the chameleon in his cage and let him get used to the change for a couple of weeks and then handle him for about 5 minutes a day. Well I have been doing that and he has been doing good. I usually only take him out if he will climb onto my hand. I dont want to force him out and stress him. Well tonight, and lastnight when tried to take him out he runs away and "huffs" at me:confused:. He opens his mouth and pushes out his chin/throat and makes this huff/hiss sound. He did it to me again tonight. Its like he is mad at me!! LOL All I do is feed and love him so much! What did I do wrong??? Any suggestions...

He also just shed his skin the other day. He is not acting sick at all, just like he doesnt want anything to do with me!! :(
welcome to having a chameleon! :p most don't like to be held or touched! mine runs around the cage and tries to bite me. lately he's been "under the weather" and so was less argumentative, becuase he didn't have the strength to fight me off. now he's feeling better and he gets pissed if i put my hand on top of the cage! :)
LOL that is funny... He has never tried to bite me... and usually he will come out of hiding when I open the door to the cage... probably because he knows I got the "goods"(food) But I miss him being sweet. Could this just be him growing up and being a brat!!
This is just him growing up to be a healthy male chameleon. They are a solitary creature that like their privacy. :p
LOL! Sounds as if you haven't researched too much about chameleons. Chameleons are a solitary animal. They'd rather be left alone most if not all of the time. If you want something to cuddle, buy a dog or a cat lol.
LOL, Gotta love chameleons. The first time i picked mine up he bit me, really hard. Didn't break the skin, but it took me 3 weeks before i would pick him up again. Didn't learn my lesson though, got a few more. Just for the record, my first one is also my friendliest one NOW. He actually goes to sleep on my arm, for the night. Didn't do it on purpose, i just was enjoying his company so much and then i fell asleep. He's done that a few times. Good Luck, and watch your fingers if he's pissy.

hahaha. My male panther was described as very tame. This isnt the reason I got him and if I did I wouldnt be happy. He wasnt very tame the first day I got him nor is he now at 1 year. He hisses, lunges, blows up, and when I take him out to clean or go to the almighty sun god he will try to jump right off of me. Your cham will like you more if you hurry up while you feed and water him then get out of his site.
Well,welcome to the wonderful world of chams. I think its cool when they do it(i dont force them to do it though)it lets me kno hes got spunk and hes energetic.
yeah thats crazy thee exact same thing happened to me lol. I now know that yes he is a Chameleon and he just wants to be fed and watered, mine shed and after that he a lil cry baby about anything.
What did I do wrong??? Any suggestions...

He also just shed his skin the other day. He is not acting sick at all, just like he doesnt want anything to do with me!! :(

Welcome to the pre-teen chameleon! Also, they are a bit more irritable when they shed.
No, they get worse. And more powerful.

BUT... I've noticed that they do kind of calm down when they are an adult for a little while. I read one post that said his calmed down at about 2 years old. They're not so concerned with you wanting to eat them (because that's all they see you as when they're young, a predator). It doesn't take much to set them off, though. Some members have talked about red shirts, blue hats, one that freaked out on a hibiscus that bloomed in his cage, my big male was in my hand and freaked on my ring and bit the crap out of my ring finger. You'll just have to pay attention to what sets yours off.
mine huffs too

LOL. mine 7 month old female veiled does the same thing. huffs and exhales loudly and puffs up. its a little discouraging when im not doing anything and shes getting pissy.but in her case we dont always take it seriiusly. sometimes when shes climbing and she cant quite get over the branch she'll hiss at it and puff up. same with when she's eating, if the bug is being to fast for her (not usually a problem) she'll hiss at it lol. i just tell her to shush, gently push back in her throat (chin?) and rub her head she likes that
Also when my veiled cham is shedding, like a large part of her body is shedding she doesnt like me to touch her much.
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