How would you tame this chameleon?


New Member
So I finally got a healthy, male panther chameleon and I've had him for about a month (he should be about 4 months now). Unlike the female I have and the other male I had before, his personality is terrible. The others did not enjoy handling but they would tolerate it and did not mind my presence near their cage at all.

This guy is completely terrified of me. He darkens anytime I'm within a couple feet of his cage, and the few attempts I've tried to pick him up he hisses and lunges. I tried one last time today and he actually fired up solid black. He's even willing to jump to get away, regardless of how high up he is.

So should I just give up on taming him? I'd like him to be handleable so I can take him outside from time to time. I hate having him be so scared of me but I don't even know where to start since any interaction we can have is only going to make him like me less.
Give it time

Let him get settled in leave him alone for a while and let him get to know your presence then try hand feeding him once and a while. Give it time and he will lighten up. I have had some montsers that know are very handable.
Try hand feeding him something you don't normally feed him, like a silkworm, or a butter worm. Just one or two per day so you don't bother him TOO much and so he would enjoy your presence alittle more.
Tame him? He sounds bada$$. Let him be. In fact, I'd say you should play heavy metal CDs for him at feeding time.
I would throw him on the ground and stomp on him! Jay kay, jay kay!

There is no such thing as taming a chameleon.
His "personality" is NORMAL not terrible.
Just leave him be
By forcing the issue, you are making him less and less happy to see you.
you need to let him get used to you in a non-threatening way.
Move slowly. Only approach the cage, extremely slowly, to feed him.
Let him start to associate you with yummy food and not big threatening movements.
When not having to be near the cage to feed him, stay away.
Stay a distance from his cage, sitting on the floor. Sit there for a couple hours (listen to music or something) or until he is no longer upset to have you near.
Next day do it again. Get a little closer to the cage, but still low down.
THen sit near the cage. wait for him to settle, to realize nothing bad (like your hands coming at him) is going to happen.
slowly slowly you can get closer. until at least he isnt freaked out by your being nearby.

dont expect to start handling him.
its better to leave them alone if possible, imho
try opening the cage door and see if he will venture out on his own. My chameleon did not like to be backed up in his cage at all. Letting him come out on the door changed his whole demeanor. This is just my case, not everyones. Just a suggestion. Mine is super friendly but it didn't happen overnight.
So I finally got a healthy, male panther chameleon and I've had him for about a month (he should be about 4 months now). Unlike the female I have and the other male I had before, his personality is terrible. The others did not enjoy handling but they would tolerate it and did not mind my presence near their cage at all.

This guy is completely terrified of me. He darkens anytime I'm within a couple feet of his cage, and the few attempts I've tried to pick him up he hisses and lunges. I tried one last time today and he actually fired up solid black. He's even willing to jump to get away, regardless of how high up he is.

So should I just give up on taming him? I'd like him to be handleable so I can take him outside from time to time. I hate having him be so scared of me but I don't even know where to start since any interaction we can have is only going to make him like me less.

At 4 months old he is a teenager, full of piss and venum.
Give him a few months and he' will calm down.
try opening the cage door and see if he will venture out on his own. My chameleon did not like to be backed up in his cage at all. Letting him come out on the door changed his whole demeanor. This is just my case, not everyones. Just a suggestion. Mine is super friendly but it didn't happen overnight.

good point!
one of mine is very protective (=very aggressive) of her territory, but a calm little lovely once she comes out on her own.
good point!
one of mine is very protective (=very aggressive) of her territory, but a calm little lovely once she comes out on her own.

I had the same results. Once mine started to venture out of his cage on his own, he became much more chill as far as my presence and handling go.
My 'friendly' panther just decided I was okay on his own. After many many months of just letting him be and occationally (like once a week) hand feeding. He's a funny guy. He's very lame.
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