how to get my female veiled chameleon to dig?

I spoke to my vet this morning and asked about the oxytocin he said that it won't work on her and may cause retina damage. Be then went on to inform me that there are 2 types of egg binding 1 where the eggs leave the ovaries but the chameleon has no will to push them out 2 where the eggs are stuck inside the ovaries he told ms my chameleons eggs are stuck inside the ovaries. I wish he had given me this information the weekend so instead of me focusing on trying to get her to lay I would of sure she was totally comfortable. She is due to have the op tomorrow morning but Im trying to finish work early so I can take her down tonight so the vet can possible give her something to make her more comfortable.
Follicular stasis happens when the follicles won't/don't ovulate...which is what he is saying is wrong with your chameleon and to the best of my knowledge there has been no way to make the follicles ovulate and that means that the only "solution" is I don't know why he didn't make that perfectly clear. Follicles are round and resemble bunches of grapes in the way they sit inside the chameleon.

When the eggs ovulate but the female won't/can't lay them its called dystocia. Here the eggs become oval and should line up in two lines. If the female has just passed the prime time to lay the eggs, oxytocin will often work. If the female can't lay the eggs because there are deformities, fusing of the eggs or the eggs have grown too large from the delay of not laying them, it can cause more trouble than good. The biggest causes of dystocia other than this include but are not limited to, not providing a suitable place to lay the eggs, watching the female when she's digging, improper nutrition/husbandry including overfeeding. With dystocia too, if the female doesn't lay the eggs the only option is spaying.

Good luck with her tomorrow!
Hi Kinyonga,

That was so easy to understand you should become a vet!

i got my chameleon back tonight and she is looking much healthier already. she is back in her normal sleeping spot like nothing had happened... she is one tough cookie. im hoping she will feel up to a little bit of food tomorrow (fingers crossed)

anyway just wanted to let you know she came through the op ok and to thank you for your advice it was much appreciated.


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